How do you celebrate? Think about milestones (individual or family) that you’ve recently celebrated. What kind of emotions did you exhibit? As we celebrate 5 YEARS as Restoration Church, I’m feeling joy, hopeful excitement, thankfulness, and much more. If you’ve been a part of Restoration Church for a while, you may be feeling similar emotions. If you are newer to Restoration Church, our 5-year anniversary may spark very few emotions for you. Either way, let me recap the beginning steps of Restoration Church.
November 2017 – Eric & Anna visit Iowa for the first time
March 2018 – Spring Break in Iowa for Trouts, Sean & Khristina Morecraft and Marie Tudor)
May – September 2018 – Team members move to Iowa (Trouts, Morecrafts, Marie, Will & Susan Bynum, Michael & Kari Chadwick)
August 2018 – Church Planter Residency @ First Family Church (Ankeny) begins
September 2018 – 1st Launch Team Gathering
November 2018 – Interest Party @ 3rd Place for the community
April 2019 – Launch Team signs Restoration Church Charter
May – July 2019 – Monthly Preview Services @ ADM High School
August 2019 – Commissioned by First Family Church
September 8, 2019 – Public Launch
These are just bulletin point highlights leading up to our launch date 5 years ago. We know that so much happened between these bullets and much more has happened since September 8, 2019. However, it’s not about the organization that was formed; it’s about the lives that have been restored!
From the very beginning, our vision at Restoration Church has been “seeing lives restored through the gospel of Jesus Christ”. This vision isn’t going to change any time soon. As I look back over the last 5 years, I discovered these numbers: 20 salvations and 31 baptisms!!! These lives have been forever changed, but it’s more than that.
The Lord has guided individuals and families to be part of what He is doing here! The Lord has been faithful, and I believe that He will continue to be as we serve Him in Adel and beyond!